The Barefoot Photographer®

a photography blog

Friday, July 27, 2007

Photo Show Prep

How do you choose what to print, frame, and hang for a show? The annual photography show at the Fayette Art Center is in August. For the past few weeks I have been looking over photos, trying to decide which I would like to take to the center for the show. I know which I like best – but I have an emotional attachment to all of my photos. I can remember the time, the place, little things. I wonder what would interest someone to purchase a photo to hang in their home.

Do people mainly look for something that triggers a memory of a time or place for them? Do they look for colors to match their décor? Both? All? Anything??? Help!

You could end up spinning in circles trying to second guess what someone else would like to have. Instead – think – what is my best work? Is this photo technically sound and well shot? Is it composed so well that your eye travels throughout the photo? Is the main focal point sharp? If it is a black & white – is the contrast at its best? If it is a color shot – are the colors accurate and vibrant? Is my photo common and trite? Does it have the "wow factor?"

When I frame a photo – 90% of the time I chose a white mat and a black frame. If I am framing a black & white photo – a very pale blue mat and black frame is a good combination. If I am just matting a photo for sale – I choose a white or a black mat and then the person who takes it home can choose what ever frame they like best.

Now, I am off to see how many empty black frames I have….

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