Head outside Thursday night after 10 p.m. and look toward the constellation Gemini. If you can't find Gemini – look for Orion. Almost anyone can find Orion's belt – Gemini is not as easy to spot. Gemini is close to Orion. After midnight the number of meteors seen per hour will increase until dawn Friday morning.
There are a lot of fun websites about meteors and space things. There is one place where you can find the "near Earth objects." That can get a little freaky to read what is coming close and when.
Here are some links of interest. The first one is a story on this year's Geminids. You can sign up with NASA for email alerts for anything space related. For the next couple nights – you can go outside to spot the space station flying over.
Info on the Geminids next week
Go here – click on your state – click on the city (or closest to you) this will show when the International Space Station is flying over. I missed it early last evening -- I have another couple chances -- today and Thursday.
Go here to find out about the latest on Sun spots, near Earth asteroids, and see some really cool photo galleries of space related objects and clouds.
Now if I can get everyone in the neighborhood to turn off their outside lights!!!
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