The backyard is really coming along now. This week a few storms helped water the new plants that were having a time of it in the heat. Some of the old daylilies foliage has been looking "tired." I realized it had been awhile since I fertilized those plants – so not only did they get some needed rain this week – they got some plant food!
Before we got the rain – I was taking advantage of the relaxed watering restrictions. I went out on my assigned day during the assigned time to water – especially the new plants. Five years ago, when we landscaped inside the fence to create this little courtyard area, we planted Indian Hawthorn along the back and side fence area. I rarely water these bushes now since they are so well established – but the other day – it had been so hot – I decided to spray them with the hose a little.
Well – spraying the bushes gave me my own Jimmy Carter moment in the yard. Do you remember the story of the rabbit that "attacked" Jimmy Carter during a fishing trip in
When I sprayed those bushed a rabbit shot out of them directly at me. It was a small one – but it was moving so quickly, I was startled. Unlike Jimmy, I did not beat it off with an oar. I simply moved (I had been standing very still). When it saw me moving – it made a sharp right turn and ran out under the gate. I felt badly I had scared it so. I felt badly until I saw that it had been eating the buds from my black-eyed susans and purple coneflowers!
Update on the pond – I do have a baby turtle and am in the process of identifying what kind it is. Last Sunday I happened to capture it for a little while – to look it over and take some close ups of it. I placed it back in the pond. Last night I tossed out some fish food and noticed the turtle swimming among the fish nibbling on the tidbits. And – I do have tadpoles. Not near as many are in the pond as I have had in previous years. I don't know if the snake or the turtle have anything to do with this.
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