As I sit here and look around my desk (and the rest of the house) – editing is needed! (and, in fairness, editing is happening) The remodel is still in progress – meaning that things are still a mess. The kitchen is almost complete. Painting is about halfway finished. New furniture arrives on Friday, old furniture has been moved to the basement, and some will be picked up for a donation the same day. By the end of the month the flooring on the first and second floor will all be replaced. When we first began this a couple months ago, I knew it was going to be a task. Task sounds smal l, doesn't it – this is a large task. What I really did not completely think about is that in order to replace the flooring EVERYTHING must come out of a room. Everything! It is like moving and not really moving out of the house. I had the same epiphany about the kitchen cabinets. I remember sitting in the living room one night and having mild panic set in when I realized new kitchen cabinets meant all the old cabinets had to be emptied! I have never lived (as an adult) in a house as long as I have lived here. Normally we would move – and I mean move – across the country (or at least a few states). When we would move – we were f orced to clean out things that have been stored and saved for some reason that had become lost on us. When we would move – we would move to a home with new things, carpet, appliances, the works – all new! We needed to edit. We did edit – the move forced us to do it. I still need to edit – I have three weeks before the flooring guys arrive expecting me to be ready for them. I need to be. The kitchen cabinets are fine – they look great and all the kitchen stuff has been edited, and what was kept has been rearranged in the new places. Now if I could only keep everyone else from moving things when they use them!
Next week I have the art center class beginning. On Wednesdays I teach a beginning digital photography class at the
But back to editing – my desk needs some editing – some cleaning – some filing away the papers and items from 2007 to make space for 2008. I have a couple photo sessions on my memory card that I need to edit and look over, deciding on what to save, what to play with and what to delete. Recently I went through all the photo files saved to my hard drive (sort of) – saving those to DVDs and clearing my hard drive space. I even deleted some. When I say "went through" that means the files of photos – not photo by photo – gosh I would still be doing it if I did each and every single photo. I am really bad about downloading everything on the memory card and not culling enough to delete ALL of the photos that I know I will never want to look at a second time. I am pretty good about deleting a stinker on the camera and sometimes one or two during download – but then there are many lurking, taking up space, that are really, really, really bad photos. This is a good week (what is left of it) to get out the calendars, get set up, and plan the next few weeks (months?). The photo club meetings are already set up – but I need to talk to a couple places about some field shoots coming up soon. My filing system is not working – or at least it does not work if I don't file. There are prints and copies of handouts I pass out at workshops in different places. I need to get them in one spot. My camera ge ar has gotten scattered around over the holidays and with the couple little trips I have been on. I need to collect all the gear in one space so when I look for the monopod I can find it next time! I would love to set aside specific office time and stick to it – give myself time to do all the little tasks I need to do plus spend some uninterrupted editing time on the computer. Since this is "resolution time" and I don't usually make them – since I usually break them – maybe I will make just one – to set up a normal time a few days a week to spend "in the office." When I say office time – well that needs control too – that does not mean time spent updating the iPod and creating playlists – although many of my podcasts have something to do with art or photography…so that is still "working" – right?
Oh and about the hawk spotting while traveling via the interstate – I was the passenger on the road trip from
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