OK -- at this point we have figured out the coonhound is a pointer (maybe?). The ears were bothering me -- they did not look like the ears of a coonhound. The coloring was perfect for the coonhound -- but not the ears (or really the face).
Some how, and I can't remember how, we found a photo, or two, or a hundred of pointers on the internet. (The internet is such an excellent resource!) Some of these pointers -- up for sale for hundreds and more ($6500 for a bird dog!) -- look just like Sadie. And I realize that the cost of the dog is more for the training the dog has already been through. But still...
Sadie is so good -- she appears to be housebroken. We are thinking she is about 8 months old. Her disposition is unbelievable for a dog who has spent the past month at the pound. She is friendly to everyone.
Now a brief public service announcement -- there are many wonderful dogs out there at local pounds and shelters waiting for someone to give them a nice home. Sadie and her brother were found as strays on April 16. She came home to live with us on May 13. She may be a little on the large side when full grown but she is a great dog. The cost to adopt a dog from the Henry County Animal Shelter is $85. This fee includes a spay and rabies shot certificate. The people at the shelter are very nice. A vet hospital in the county where we adopted her has already taken care of Sadie's spaying and shots.
It is very soon after Rosebud. I really missed having a dog in the house. It seemed too quiet and I like a dog to greet me when I come home. Rosebud's passing was not a surprise. We found out about her illness last September. Thinking back on it now, I think we kept her around a little bit longer than we should have. The last couple months, she was not really happy and we had to practically do everything for her. Once I looked on the Petfinder website for dogs/puppies at local shelters and saw Sadie -- I had to go get her. She had such a cute face. Note to anyone -- don't start looking unless you are ready to go pick one up. You will see one you have to have.
I took this photo of Sadie with my wonderful 50mm lens. The stats are 1/250, f/1.8, ISO 400. The ISO is a little higher than I usually like to set it -- but that was due to a little lower light and I was hand holding. I really love the way the color of the flooring matched the dog! (of course I planned it that way) Right now Sadie is snoozing on a fluffy bed and dreaming of what is for dinner.

This is a very nice picture. We adopted a 2 year old cat, Cody, at the Cobb Humane Center and he is so bright and sweet. He has different ways to vocalize. I tried to take a good picture of him, but he moves a lot, so I am still trying. I also noted that the meeting is on Monday.
I have a hard time getting a good photo of the cat. Mine is also a rescue. She has very pretty eyes and it is hard to get a good photo of them. I have one on my Flickr page from a few days ago that I like. I took her on the deck (good light) and used the 50mm lens for something extra fast to help reduce the chance of blur.
that"s a pretty dog. i like her name too. we have a dog who is trying to chew her tail off, perhaps i would consider trading you. hmmm. better not.
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