Photography equipment is fun to look at, buy, and use. Many times though, our most precious piece of photo equipment is something that is completely nonphotographic. Here is a list of my favorite things to have handy that are really not considered "photography" items.
- Micro Fiber Cloths I buy these by the large-economy packs at Sam's Club. All of my lenses are rolled in one of these before I put them in my backpack. They are handy to have when you unroll the lens to wipe the ends and to clean your glasses, filters, or sunglasses. I use them dry -- no cleaning spray needed.
- Flash Drive OK, so this is kind of an electronic/computer/photo tool. But -- I found one that is super cool (although a little pricey) that doubles as a necklace. A portable flash drive is great to have if you have a multi-computer household and move photos from one computer to another. Also, if you are like me and have a laptop and a desktop and you only print from the desktop; it helps. I do 99.9% of my editing on the laptop, copy the file to the flash drive, and then print from the desktop in my office.
- A Mirror Having a mirror handy will give you something fun to work with when you are experimenting with still life photos. Or if you have one handy -- take it outside for fun macro experiments.
- Plastic Bag A lot of photographers like to go out on overcast or very dreary days. What do you do if you have your camera out and it starts to rain -- a lot. Take your plastic bag from your photo bag and quickly cover your camera to protect it as you make your way (soggily) back to your car or shelter.
- Leatherman Wave I used to carry a Swiss Army Knife -- until I saw a Leatherman Wave. This tool has pliers, wire cutter, serrated and regular blades, flat and Phillips screwdriver, a tiny flat screwdriver (for glasses), a saw, a file, ruler, and scissors. Oh and a bottle/can opener (gotta have one of those!) I probably left something out it has so much packed into this wonderful little tool.
- Field Guides How many times have you taken a photo of something and you don't know what it is? I have a collection of field guides. One favorite is the National Audubon Field Guide to the Southeastern States. This handy guide has sky maps, bugs, birds, fish, trees, plants, snakes, spiders, marine mammals, mollusks, wildlfowers, parks and preserves and MUCH more pack into it. I have used this one a lot and given them as gifts -- everyone likes it.
- Clif Bars How easy is it to stick a Clif Bar in your camera bag or vest and head out (with a bottle of water) and not have to think about getting back for lunch? My personal favorite is Crunchy Peanut Butter followed by Oatmeal Raisin Walnut, Cranberry Apple Cherry, Maple Nut, and Apricot.
- Spray Bottle I admit I have only done this once. But it is something I think about -- do I want a little "dew" on the rose or not? If you do want "dew" -- get out the mister. The plants like it anyway.
- Flashlight Night painting with a flashlight is something everyone has to try at least once. There is a wealth of information about using flashlights in photography if you just Google. Many use them to paint patterns of light into a photo. Other photographers use a flashlight or penlight to highlight a photo. I remember seeing one photo of a field with a hole of some type in it -- the hole was illuminated by the photographer's flashlight.
- GPS I like to drive on backroads and poke around for interesting subjects. I don't like to remember how I got there and how I get out again on the main road. My GPS helps me not get lost, well...I guess I do get lost...worst-case scenario -- I press "home" and it brings me back to where I started.
There are many more non-photographic items that help me take better photos -- I am sure this is a topic that will be visited again.

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