Amazing. I was playing around one day -- for the photo a day project. At first when I was taking photos I forgot I had the star aperture still in my Lensbaby. I like the look. When I edited the photo -- I did not do much to it except bump up the saturation a little bit.
Unbelievable that this photo has 400 views on Flickr.
The photo evolved from pure creativity. The process evolved as I was shooting photos that day. I took about 35 photos. There are 4 or 5 that I really like and out of those this one stood out. I think the best things come from just poking around -- not overthinking something -- just seeing "what if."
So far this photo a day project is working well. I have a few photos from it that I think are possibilities for entries in shows. The daily themes are not being my friend. I may ditch them or only keep them as a go to 'idea' if I have nothing else. The Saturday theme is really bothering me. It is 'night.' OK -- I think what if I forget at night to take a photo and the day is gone and I miss a photo a day?
From now on my strategy will be to take the best photo I see -- work with things as they come. If I can't get something or nothing big is happening that day -- I will use the themes to give me a push of what to do.

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