It isn't everyday that your teenager agrees to dress up in her bat costume from second grade (in public.) Yesterday my high school senior dressed as Stellaluna to read at our local Barnes & Noble during her school's book fair event. Stellaluna was her favorite book as a child. I made this costume for her one year for fun. In the second grade she wanted to wear it to school one day. I checked with the teacher to see if it would be OK. The teacher was fine with it -- and after she saw it -- she told me if we ever decided we did not want it any longer -- she would love to have the costume for her classroom. I think that was the last time it was worn in public -- until yesterday.
I took a few photos of her and played around with them this morning. I was looking for an interesting effect in the Color Efex plug in. This is solarization -- and tweaking the sliders gave me a look that I liked.
Photos like the one of my daughter remind me that not every photo we take is a super artistic shot. As photographers we are also documenting our lives and the life of our family. We take photos to remember an event as much as we take them for the beauty of the photo. The old photos I have that belonged to my grandfather are wonderful to see for the content as well as the art of some of them.
Just the other day I mentioned on Facebook that Sadie was wearing a new sweater on our early morning walk. A few of my Facebook friends asked for a photo. Of course I had to take one. This photo of Sadie will never make it into a contest and normally would not make it on the blog -- except to show that sometimes a photo is just for fun.

1 comment:
Oh my gosh Donna. I did not know this was you! Please do not get mad at me but do you know when I realized it was you? When I saw Sadie! LOL! Your site is wonderful. I can't wait to see your cookbook. Your pictures are remarkable and your writing is very engaging. Thank you for inviting me here, I will be back.
(Aunt Nette)
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