Many believe that in winter you will be limited for photo opportunities outdoors. A couple weeks ago someone mentioned to me about the photo show -- and the site specific category -- that they felt they were incredibly limited to get out and get a great shot at this time of year. They said that there was no color -- no interest. I pointed them to my photos taken January 15 and 16 at Sam's Lake. I love those photos. The early morning color on the water is great. And remember -- it was pretty darn cold when I took those photos! Even in February you can find interest outdoors. I am thinking about heading down through the woods behind the house tomorrow.
On Groundhog Day I stepped just outside my back door (I did not see my shadow -- yay early spring) -- into the 'courtyard' area of the yard. OK -- I admit it right here and now that I am a neglectful gardener. There are old stems of flowers in the beds -- they should have been removed months ago. But they weren't -- and now I am glad. I went out with the Composer to see what could be found. I found a couple clumps of volunteer broomsedge -- it will be removed within the next couple weeks -- promise. But in the mean time -- it makes for an interesting subject -- especially with the Lensbaby.
There were quite a few old dead butterfly bush blooms. These are great for a macro. Then I spotted a few yarrow stems with remnants of the bloom that was last year so brilliant red. Now it is skeletal and an excellent subject. This is the photo on the blog. Another one of the yarrow I like fills the frame with the skeleton bloom. The toughest part was the slight breeze that would jostle around my subject -- this is not a good thing -- especially for macro and double especially for the Lensbaby.
I am still playing with the Composer and in the next few days I will blog about it and the contrast to the 3G. I can say that I like them both and that they are so different I don't feel that one would replace the other. Yesterday I bought some beautiful tulips to use as subjects for some play.

Donna: Glad you didn't see your shadow, but I KNOW you are no groundhog!
It is eerie how "photographic" minds think alike. My blog post this week related to winter photography and how if you make the effort, there are some wonderful "photo ops" out there in this cold, dark season!
I think that an energetic and creative approach to our photographic craft is essential to successful photographs in "middle America" during this season! But the opportunities are out there!
Andy -- I think we are all in the same boat -- looking for photos in a bleak time of year. There are probably many "photographic" minds out there thinking like us right now.
It is much easier to select a subject in spring, summer, or fall. Winter presents challenges -- but hey - no other time of year will give you those great bare tree shots!
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