It is funny how you can look at an object and all of a sudden want to take way too many photos of it -- searching for that photo that makes you happy.
I have this old ladle -- it came from my grandmother's house. I remember this ladle being used quite a bit. To someone else it may be plain and uninteresting. For me -- it is an image of memories. I spent quite a while taking photos of it yesterday. I was working with depth of field. All along I planned to go black and white with this series of photos. Months ago, I took a series of photos similar to this of a fork and scissors -- all converted to black and white. I loved those and want to do more. The ladle was one of the first subjects to pop into my mind. There is a butter knife next in line -- but it needs a little cleaning first; oh and that little pickle fork too!
Now, this ladle is in need of a little cleaning -- but I found the bit of tarnish to give it a little character. The photos are all interesting. I am happy with the way most turned out. I liked the light play off of the bowl of the ladle.
The photo on the blog is my favorite of the bunch. I really like this composition and the depth of field. This is a conversion to black and white using Silver Efex -- it is slightly toned. This photo was taken with my Tamron 18-250mm zoom. I had the camera on the tripod and zoomed in to get the frame filled the way I wanted -- nothing is cropped. The aperture was set at f/6.3 and the shutter speed was 1/8 second.
I am very pleased with this photo and I plan to print it larger -- on a sheet of the Ilford Art Photo Paper.

I like this image, Donna. It fits my existential "less is more" view of photography (my wife will confirm that I do not hold that view of life -- at least when it comes to my toys and creature comforts). But I have always had a "close in" KISS style to my own images. I have been trying to decide whether I like the top and right edge of the frame, or not. It does create some tension in the photograph, which is an element of interest. What do you think?
I like the top and right edge -- the fact that it cuts off part of the ladle was the look I liked the best when I went through my many I took. Some photos included the whole piece -- or at least the whole bowl of the ladle. The images I found most intriguing were the ones with the edge of the frame cutting through the ladle.
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