For a long time I thought the clematis vine was dead. During the summer last year it looked kind of sad. All winter I looked at it and thought about replacing it with morning glories or something like that this year.
One day when it was warm I ventured down the deck steps to see if I could see signs of life any place in the backyard.
I did noticed something about the vine -- there were little green sprouts on it that looked like leaves. It was not dead. More time goes by -- and I start to see buds.
Jump ahead a few more days; I went out to see how big the buds were now -- and guess what....three were blooming. I found these on a nice day, nice late-day light -- so I went for the 50mm lens. I sat on the deck steps until it was too dark taking many photos of the bloom. The next day I went out with the lensbaby. I took quite a few photos of the blooms with the macro filters, stacking them at times. I also used the f/4 aperture ring and also took the ring out and shot wide open.
The photo on the blog today is using the f/4 aperture ring and the 10x macro attachment. I really like this photo -- I like it in color and in black and white. It looks more delicate in color and more architectural in black and white.

Lovely shot - great use of the macro filter, the detail is outstanding.
Thanks Mark! Do you take a lot of macro shots?
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