Some know by now that I am slowly getting into Twitter. In the beginning I had no interest -- I used to think who reads all that stuff??? Who cares if some guy in Seattle is drinking coffee and looking out of a window?
Then I started really looking into the ease of it all. I mean, I kind of like Facebook -- it has been fun to see people that I had not seen or heard from in 30 years or more (sigh, I am so old). And again I was bothered by the mundaneness of it all. More of the who is doing what boring little thing. Or at least I thought that people would think that about me. So I thought I could get some word out about the blog, my photos, things happening by using the network of Facebook and Twitter and hooking it up with the blog (which if you read, you know I did it without even asking my son for a speck of help!).
So I like it now -- and now I am finding others besides those who know how goofy I was in high school to tell about it. There is a great network to be had on Twitter and Facebook. Yesterday (I guess it was today for her) I found a blogger from Perth, Australia on a message board. I checked her blog (Hi Rachel!) and liked it -- and she had a 'follow her on Twitter' link on the blog. So I did. Then she started following me back and I sent he a message thanking her for the follow (some people like this -- others don't -- I am learning the Twitter etiquette as I go along). Then I notice she and I are on Facebook -- so now we are Facebook friends too -- how the heck cool is that? It is a small world.
OK -- so long story to get to my blog post point -- I started following a Twitter person called "photocanvas." Then I saw that photocanvas was offering a free 8x10 canvas print if you would post about it on your blog when you got the canvas. Well, mine came a couple days ago. The photo I sent to them was one from the peach orchard -- the vanishing point photo. I am really liking that one these days. I love it on the canvas. I had some frames around the house -- and this one looks particularly good with a gold frame -- like a really cool landscape. The colors in the canvas print are spot on -- very good work.
You know what I noticed more than anything -- 8x10 is so small to me now. That is funny. With film -- everything was snapshot size and I had the occasional "large" print. Now my standard size to print something is to fit it to an 8.5x11 sheet -- either as an 8x10 or keeping the proportions it may be less. And now a finished print to hang that is 8x10 seems small -- weird what digital has done to me.
The name of the online service that provided the canvas print to me is Zaza Gallery, check them out.

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