Last week I received an email from the director of the SlowExposures photography exhibit. Ever since I heard of SlowExposures -- I wanted to be in it. Last year was the first year that I submitted an entry -- and it was very exciting to have two of my photos chosen for the show. This year I sent in another entry and, again, I have two photos in the show. I am very excited.
I am not sure exactly what it is about this show that I love so much. But there are a lot of things about it that I am very comfortable with.
First of all, it is all about the rural south. Well, I grew up in the rural south. Where I grew up is not so rural now and many of the things I remember about it are gone. I like that SlowExposures is celebrating the rural south and preserving those images and scenes that we all remember and are gone.
I like the place -- I will admit here and now that I am phobic about driving in Atlanta. I do it when I have to -- but I don't like it. I have driven on the freeways around Los Angeles and in Orange County, CA with more ease than here. Driving 30 or 40 minutes south of me to a show is the opposite of driving into Atlanta. It is relaxing and a piece of cake. If I take a wrong turn -- so what.
The people who run SlowExposures are great people. They are the nicest bunch I think I have met in a long time (and I meet a lot of people). They understand what a good -- no great -- photo show is all about and they put one on.
The photos of mine in the show this year were taken during the show last year. One was at a little roadside cemetery I found on my relaxing drive down to Zebulon. The other photo was taken in Concord in the Strickland Building -- where we had the SlowExposures Ball the evening prior. And -- both of these photos were taken with my most favorite lens -- that nifty 50mm!
I like both of these photos and I am very glad they are in the show -- heck -- I am glad to have anything in the show!

Oh -- and if you did not notice or if you receive this in an email -- I have a 10% code for shopping at Photojojo. They have some pretty darn cool items in their online store -- I love the seatbelt camera straps. Oh yeah - the code -- barefootphoto!

Good luck w/the submissions. Thanks for the discount code -- I'm thinking about getting that awesome spy lens!
Thanks -- and I have been looking at that spy lens myself!
Congrats! That's a great news! Sometimes it's just the matter of time that we will be given an opportunity like that. Continue to do what we love and passionate about. The day will come. ^^
Keep up the good work!
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Congratulations! I did a search on SlowExposures and your blog came up. I got a photo in SE too and I'm very excited!
Hi Fawne -- I will see you there!
Congratulations. I like the second picture of the empty room very much – it has an atmosphere, if you will. I also don’t like to drive to Atlanta, even though it’s not that far. For example last week we went to Americus, and coming back I found a way back home going through Columbus and Douglasville and we never had to go through Atlanta. It was a much more interesting trip that way too.
Vagabonde -- Thanks! You should make plans to come to Slow Exposures during the exhibit. There are some interesting events and just viewing the photos in the show is a great thing to do.
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