The Barefoot Photographer®

a photography blog

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Look

Well -- I thought it was time for a new look for the blog. During the next few days (weeks?), I may change things up again until I settle on something that I really like.

So far -- I am really liking this look for the blog. The red is a little -- well, um, red. I may change that -- but I love the template.

I have added a "follower" gadget on the side. When I was looking through the new things I see where this is new and I have a follower -- so I thought -- why not add it. Hello Luis! Besides the follower section, I have changed a few of my links. And -- at the bottom of the page is a 'daily photo tip.' We will see how good these are. If they are good, I will keep this -- otherwise it will get the hook.

Also I decided to change the layout from having the gadgets on the right side of the page to having them on the left. I think I like the left better.

Last night I tried just a plain ol' simple template from Blogger and it was stretched -- where the words went all across the screen. I thought I liked it but I did not.

So now that I have switched up the blog page -- I need to think about how I am going to shake up my photography this year. I have been reading through the resolution post from Photojojo thinking about what I would like to do. Actually there is a lot in that article I would like to do.

Of course I should get more organized -- but I already back up (OK, not as often as I should) -- but I do it. Getting organized is so boring. The organized part is nothing something I would like to do -- it is something I have to do.

I already enter contests -- and I plan to continue doing that this year. Perhaps I will add a couple new ones to my list. And instead of entering contests, this year I am directing an exhibition -- that is a new step for me. The photo book idea is something else I have been meaning to get around to. I think I have even downloaded the necessary 'stuff' from blurb and/or lulu to get my self going -- this year I need to do it!

The start a project section has really got me interested. I do want to make a commitment that I will do something like make a photography every Friday for the whole year. (So today is Friday -- hmmmm).

So here I am -- January 2 -- new blog look and lots of plans for the new year!


lui355 said...

Love the new layout very modern :)

You know i've always found your tips interesting, you should try to do it :)

I try to go out once a week myself but with life it's hard. By the way where do you go enter contest I've always wanted to enter one but the ones I see are in magazines. I dont think i'm good enough for those. Do you enter those contest? or smaller ones?

Donna Rosser said...

Thanks for the feedback on the layout.

I like it much better than the old look.

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