For the past couple years I have been a member of the North American Nature Photography Association. I love their website. The resource section is great -- they have been a wealth of information with the mess floating around about photographers being charged for shooting in national parks. I have some photos on the site that occasionally are picked to head a page for a day. CanvasonDemand.com offered members a code for a freebie gallery wrap print. A code to order a 16x20 size gallery wrap for no cost -- OK -- charges for shipping -- but we always know there is some type of catch.
So this presented me with a dilemma -- which photo? I have a hard time making a decision -- I had to choose one photo to try this vendor. I have had this code for a long time and not used it because I could not make up my mind. I have these photos of a fork and scissors that I really like. I was leaning to the fork -- then to the scissors -- then neither.
I finally chose a photo that I use for my wallpaper on the laptop. It is one of the first photos I ever took with my Lensbaby. I really like it -- and of course it is black and white (the fork and scissors photos are b&w too -- big surprise). I sent the daisy Lensbaby photo.
I have printed on canvas at home -- canvas sheets. There is not a lot that I haven't tried with printing. For most of my prints I have been a loyal Ilford paper user. I used the Ilford Galerie Smooth Gloss ever since I got my Epson printer. I love this paper -- and I love that I get 100-count boxes of 8.5x11 sheets at Sam's Club for less than $24. Please Sam's Club -- always have this in your large store!
Matte paper has been a menace for me. I love it when I see someone else with it -- but when I try it I do not like the outcome. Even if I like it once -- the next time I print with it -- I don't. My stash of matte paper has been pushed to the "office supply" side of my part of the office. I use what I have left to print my portfolio booklet or some other thing.
Watercolor paper is almost the same menace. I love it and I hate it. Then I look at this giant, dull print and realize I am a glossy girl.
The only other paper that I feel can give good ol' Galerie Smooth Gloss a run for its money is Ilford (yep another Ilford paper) Galerie Smooth Fine Art Paper. And guess what -- it is matte! I have liked every photo I have printed on it -- so far. I have been choosey with which photo is printed on this paper.
The photo I have in the Southeastern Flower Show is printed on this paper. I am very interested in the canvas gallery wrap that will be on its way to me soon. I hope I like it. Waiting for it is the worst part. I think that is why I like printing at home -- it is instant. I think I am an instant, glossy girl -- most of the time.

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