A box of slides came home with me this week. Last weekend I was in Virginia visiting my mother and other family. It was an occasion to say the least that I got together with all of my cousins! Being an only child -- my cousins were my siblings. There are five of them. I saw them, one spouse, and some of their kids last Sunday. It was very nice.
In the box of slides was a smaller box. Written on the outside of the box was "week before Christmas 1957." This is a photo of one of the slides. My grandmother is in the middle, my aunt to the left, and my mother on the right. I remember that Santa on the side table. I remember that fabric on the couch.
I have a slide scanner and I have used it a little. I am not fond of it -- but I will have to learn to like it since I have quite a few slides, and some old negatives, that I would like to digitize. The way I got this photo was by placing the slide on a light box and taking a photo of the illuminated slide.
So, since this was the week before Christmas 1957 -- I thought it would be good to have it up the week before Christmas 2009.

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